Enter a verse or keywords (John 3:16, love, sword of the spirit)

26 February 2007

Music and ideas request

Glenrothes Salvation Army (the Church I worship with) has recently received a grant that enabled us to buy some guitars and associated equipment for our Youth Club. As well as offering something else for the group members to do during their regular Tuesday evening time, it is hoped to create a band of sorts out of the members. We've had the instruments out for 2 weeks now and have just let them get on with it and get to grips with the guitars. Some of them are really good guitarists but we feel we need to shape them into something. But how?? We have a couple of ideas and will be trying them out on a bit of music tomorrow night including stuff from Phil Laeger's Total Youth Invasion "Send the Fire" resource CD, but we could do with as much input as possible from you bloggers out there. Do any of you have a group at your Youth club? Do you run a group? Are you in a group? What stuff do you play? This is a group from a Salvation Army Youth club so its material needs to reflect that, but thats not to say we can only play overtly Christian stuff. There is a lot in the mainstream that can be used to great effect in a church setting and again we have some ideas on that too, but could do with more!

So please help us out. I look forward to hearing from you

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