Enter a verse or keywords (John 3:16, love, sword of the spirit)

07 August 2008


Read this in a devotional today. Reminded me about how its the little, simple things of this world that God uses more than the big flash actions:
Sometimes I think God looks at the little boy with the loaves instead of the grown man with the fancy plans. He looks at the woman with the perfume bottle rather than the spiritual leader hosting the lunch. He looks at the boy with the sling rather than the army.
I've had to make some decisions recently about the things I do for God so that I cut back and do a few things really well rather than scrape by on lots of activities. This devotional today really helped me to know that I am making the right decisions. Especially the comparison between what God did with a few loaves of bread compared to the man with lots of flash ideas. You see, the things I do, I do because I want to - I enjoy them. Most of the stuff that needs doing around me I enjoy and can do, and so I do it. But I know I am doing too much and as a result, I don't give my all to the things I do.

So welcome to the new streamlined Dan! I have a couple more things to break free of but that will happen when the time is right over the next few weeks. But this is my vow - to make sure I do what I can for God - however small it may be - and making sure I have plenty of time for my family too.

1 comment:

Marta Ager said...

Wow! I wish I had done that years ago. My 'officership' might have been better served! It is something, however, that I am doing someting about at the moment. I think that some bold decisions will be made ready for the autumn programme which will not be popular but you have said it all on your blog. If you can learn this lesson before entering college you will go a long way!! even if not a popular one amongst others!! Blessings!