Enter a verse or keywords (John 3:16, love, sword of the spirit)

10 February 2008

...just when you thought i was logging off...

Okay, so I was heading to bed when Carol-Anne read the last post and said: "you could have mentioned that I built baby's bouncer chair". So, not one to be labelled as unresponsive, here's picture proof of what Carol-Anne did in order to keep Kathryn away from me while I was trying to build her bike! This is the chair that Carol-Anne chose a while back to buy for our second child and before we got to buy it, Church friends Karen & Paul bought it for their daughter Libby having previously seen it at our CO's (Dawn and Chris) house who had bought it for their daughter Amy after Carol-Anne mentioned it to them! Who says what goes around doesn't come around!!!

Anyway, we got it cheap in a sale at Boots (thanks to a tip off from Dawn) and have half a hope that the others paid full price for it - serves them right!!!! :)

As you see, teddy has been forced to try out the chair and Kathryn has dutifully read stories to him. Did get a fright later in the evening when I walked in the living room to see Kathryn's dolly sitting in the chair. One brief look and I thought baby had arrived and I'd missed the whole thing in some strange timewarp type thing! But, no...it was just a pretty big dolly after all!!!

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