Enter a verse or keywords (John 3:16, love, sword of the spirit)

10 February 2008


Sorry, I've kind of been absent without leave from blogging for a wee while. Had loads to blog about and not much time to sit down with a PC and write. Hopefully getting some time today to catch up on stuff like this so will get the chance to write about at least some of the things I wanted/needed to say. Just at this point though, I am busy trying to get the house sorted ready for Baby Rous mk2 who is due to burst into this world in the next week or so (due 18th Feb but C-A wants him/her out NOW!!). So the hall stairs and landing have been redecorated and if I get the chance, the dining room will be sorted too. We've had a few extra appointments with midwife and maternity hospital - they thought baby was breach but it wasn't - so thats taken up loads of extra time. Have also been really busy at work with talk of possible expansion but more on that in a separate post. But basically, all is well in the House of Rous. hope all is well with you all too. Shall return later in the day to write more about the happenings of the last 6 weeks or so.

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