Enter a verse or keywords (John 3:16, love, sword of the spirit)

01 October 2007

The struggle of life

This is just awesome. You will know that the last few weeks have been less than good for us and things got even worse at Church on Sunday but least said about that the better.

Anyway, this video was sent to me by Alison @ Gorgie SA and was just what I needed to see today. It sums up the struggle we all have in life but gives the fantastic reminder that Jesus will overcome in the end.

I knew that in the back of my mind all through the low time we've had together recently, but its fantastic to have it brought back to the front of my mind and so powerfully to. Please take the 5 1/2 mins out from your busy schedules to watch this - it is seriously powerful.

btw - thanks again to all those who have continued to support us - you're all a real blessing.


The Burr Family said...

Hello Daniel
Its Marie Burr
Tried to watch the video on your blog, can't. Probably just my computer but there is no volume, any ideas? Marie.

caldjr said...

Hi Marie. Seems to work fine here!

Try direct through YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyheJ480LYA&eurl=

Hope all is well with you and yours
