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08 June 2007

To the Royal Albert Hall - and beyond!

Catch the Fire was great last night. Read the first stage report and get access to the podcast here.

Since then, been busy putting the final touches to things for this weekend. By final touches I actually mean writing a sermon! Tomorrow morning we meet the rest of the East Scotland Youth Chorus at 7:30am to check in to fly down to London to join with all other Youth Choruses (or is that Chorusi?) to join with even more musicians for The Salvation Army's Gospel Arts Festival in the Royal Albert Hall no less!! Our choir will amount to about 500 young people so thats going to be so cool. After the gig, we travel to Luton to stay with people from The Salvation Army there and on Sunday morning, the Youth Chorus are leading their morning worship and Carol-Anne and I are taking the lead roles in that meeting. We then fly back up from Luton at half 3 getting back home probably around 6pm. really looking forward to this weekend even though its going to be soooo tyring.

All this week I've felt under attack with so much to prepare and so much God was saying to me. Amongst it all, Satan has been getting in and making me stressed out and trying to make things go wrong. He didn't succeed last night and he will not succeed this weekend. He even tried to stop us getting to the airport by making a problem with my car not fixable until monday. Thankfully I have a fab staff team at work and one of them is going to come through to pick us up at 6:30am to take us to Edinburgh airport before heading back to do a day's work. He even brought me home tonight - thanks Don - I don't think you realise how much of a blessing you are.

So please pray for us this weekend. Pray for all the travel arrangements as people come from all over the UK to join in singing praises to God. Satan - don't even bother. God is in control and you are not welcome.

Now its half eleven and I have to be up at 6 so am of to bed! Will report back next week with photos of the weekend and possibly even a podcast from Luton!

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