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02 May 2007

Catch the Fire

Its back!! I'm in the middle of final prep for the next Catch the Fire evening which is tomorrow night at 7pm at Glenrothes Salvation Army. For those who didn't pay attention last month, Catch the Fire is an evening of informal worship where the main plan is to 'let go and let God'. There is no real running order - we just turn up with some thoughts, songs and readings and let God guide us. The theme for tomorrow is "what are you waiting for" and we'll explore some of the definitions of waiting: waiting on God; waiting for the Spirit; waiting for guidance; God waiting on us to open up to Him and probably so much more! The Holy Spirit blessed us greatly last time and also turned up big time on Sunday so we dare to hope and pray for His strong guidance again tomorrow. If you're in the area, please feel free to come along - you will be most welcome. If you're further away, please hold us firmly in your prayers. Will report back next week cos we're off to Roots on Friday!

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