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06 April 2007

Catch the Fire - the verdict

Well last night we ventured into the world of informal worship with the first Catch the Fire evening at Glenrothes Salvation Army. Like Chris, I guess I was a bit disappointed that not many people turned up but also know that Scripture says "where 2 or 3 are gathered, there [God] will be also". We had 8 so had the required amount but would have like to have seen more people from the Corps there. But, we quickly moved on from any such thoughts and entered into worship - just taking time out to give praise and worship to our Lord and Saviour. Chris and I, after extensive rehearsal (well, two short rehearsals) had a list of about 15 songs but had no intention to use them all. Think we used about 8 in the end through the whole evening. See, there was no running order planned. We were just open to God's plan. So we sang some songs, I shared some excerpts from the Street Bible, plus other thoughts I had to do with Easter - including "Expectations?". Basically asking what we expect of Easter, what others expect of us at this time, and also what we expect of Jesus. Briefly explored the expectations that people had of Jesus and how he didn't fulfil them in the way they expected throughout his whole life. We watched a video that Chris had prepared, then Carol-Anne sang a solo (The Power of the cross [O to see the dawn]) before we closed with song songs of praise and declaration of Gods Majesty (King of Kings and In Christ alone).
I really enjoyed the evening even though I was shattered at the end - was full of a chest cold so really struggled singing and even speaking, but glad we battled through. Have a provisional date for the next one of these evenings so will update you when its confirmed.

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