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03 January 2007

where have I been?!!

Seems like ages since I blogged so sorry about that. We were away for Christmas at my mums and as she is still on ultra slow dial-up, I don't even attempt to do anything on the computer! Still, we had a great time down there in Canterbury - more on that in a seperate post. Been ill since I got back though! Had a cold coming on before we left and that developed into a nasty hacking cough and sore throat. Almost lost my voice over New Year but its almost back to normal now. Its just the nasty clearing up bit going on at the moment which kind of stops me sleeping properly so not the best of starts to 2007! And as always I've got ill while off work anyway (we're not back till next Monday) so it steals my time not works!! Anyway, enough of my moaning!

Back in November, I bought myself a diary when Chris and I went to St Andrews for an afternoon. I found it in a Cancer Research new stuff shop called "Whispers". Quite a cool shop really! Anyway, Chris pointed out the works of a guy called Edward Monkton who is kind of "out there" in terms of his humour but it appealed to me! Picked up the diary as it contained a number of his cartoons. Obviously can't reproduce them all but this one is at the front and gives you a taster for his work.

Check him out if you get the chance at edwardmonkton.com (its a small site that doesn't tell you much so also look at his merchandise at reallygood.uk.com)

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