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02 December 2006

Infant Baptism

Last Sunday, we headed up to Stonehaven for the Baptism of Logan, the son of the Manager of the Nursery where C-A works and the one who we looked after at his parents wedding back in August. The event also doubled as his first birthday and Kathryn was especially looking forward to spending the day with one of her boys! The service was to be at Stonehaven South Church (pictured) and so there we arrived nice and early not knowing what to expect from a Church of Scotland event such as this. After giving up on trying to recognise anyone milling around outside, we ventured into the lovely church to receive an order of service which, thankfully, contained Logan's name and details of his baptism, so we knew we were at least in the right place even if Logan wasn't there yet! Enjoyed a bit of people watching as the church slowly filled up from the back and seemed to be full of elderly people in thick coats (even though the heating was on!). Before long, a few more younger people appeared followed by a stream of children who had obviously just come from Sunday School. Eventually, the vicar appeared (he looks after a few churches) followed by Logan and his mummy and daddy.

When it came to the point of Baptism, I was pleasantly suprised and even received food for thought for future ministry. The parents, Godparent and Logan were invited up to the front and the vicar (who was the same one who did the wedding) explained that before any promises were made, Logan would be baptised as Gods love for him is unconditional and Logan needs to make no promises (just as well, as he can't talk yet!). But I was touched by this lovely statement. Logan hasn't been corrupted by the world yet, so he needs promise nothing to God. The promises were for the parents who were agreeing to continue to bring Logan up in a Godly manner.

On the whole, the service was a great mix of new and old. Powerpoint was in operation and new songs, including "In Christ Alone" were sung, although singing it to a full church organ was a bit strange and I think the organist, who did her best (bless her), would agree.

So it was back to Logan's house for food and fellowship. His parents are good friends of ours now and it was good to share with them and their family. They don't attend church regularly anywhere so I was really touched when Logan's daddy asked me what I thought of the service. They know all about us, and our future plans, and so it was great to have a conversation with him about a church service.

All in all then, a good day. Find out more about the Stonehaven South Church here


Anonymous said...

Logan hasn't been corrupted by the world yet, so he needs promise nothing to God.

That's something I struggle with. I haven't made my mind up either way - but I know many people say we're born a sinner, while others say children can't sin.

I know I love to believe that children can't sin... I'm just not sure.

caldjr said...

I know this can be a sticky point with some Chris. I just remember the Gospel account of Jesus when he ... "called a little child and had him stand among them. 3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. 6But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." (Matt 18:2-6)

I've always taken this to be all about simplicity of faith - coming to God as little un-blemished children. But this vicar's take on the Baptism ceremony has widened my view on it.

I guess there's lots to be said for both sides of the story but, although it may be a simplistic view, I'm happy to believe that children are born sinless and it is up to us as parents/teachers/roll models, to keep them living such a life. A huge task - but a task I believe God calls us to.