Enter a verse or keywords (John 3:16, love, sword of the spirit)

19 November 2006

The Road to Denmark Hill (continued)

Had our latest interview at DHQ on Wednesday this week. It was our second formal interview and we were hopeful of a good discussion time with the Divisional Candidates Board. (For those not clued up on this process, this is the board that will aid our application process to be full time ministers within The Salvation Army). Anyway, we set off with Dawn and Chris, our officers and chauffers for the night just before half five. Should be at DHQ just south of Edinburgh by 6:15 which was perfect. However the traffic had other ideas and we actually arrived just on 7pm! We knew the next interview was at half 7! Oops. Anyway, all was well and we had a very positive and helpful conversation with those gathered. Obviously it is not appropriate to discuss all the details here but suffice to say we are very positive about the process ahead and remain excited and expectant of our future service for God as Salvation Army Officers (ministers). We have some homework to do and should meet with the Territorial Candidates guy in March of next year when he next comes this way.

Please continue to offer your prayer support for us as we lay our lives on the line for God in this way. Thanks.

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