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29 July 2006

A Spiritual Poke in the Eye

Turned this morning to the Word for Today devotional notes from United Christian Broadcasters and received nothing more than a sharp poke in the eye from God. Here's an excerpt:

When you know you've heard from God, be resolute. Things worth having never come easy. If you find yourself weakening, remind yourself that God has given you the grace to succeed at whatever He's called you to do! This means being sensitive to His voice. God's voice isn't like a hammer pounding on your head; it's more like a gentle prompting within. ... Now you can ignore His promptings, disobey them, argue with them or even try to postpone them. But when you do that you end up stressed out. How could it be otherwise? The word obedience can be a real turn-off. We think of God asking us for a whole bunch of money or sending us to some mission field. Get real! If you won't turn off your television and spend a few minutes with God each day, what makes you think He'd tell you to go to the mission field? Obeying God in little things, not big ones, is the key to learning how to be led by Him.

I pray for God's help to be more obedient to His "still small voice" each day.


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