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25 December 2007

Just a quick post...

Hey there. Just a quick post to say that I hope all readers of this blog had a really happy and Peace-filled Christmas. We had a great time on Christmas Eve at Church. Catch the Fire went really well with about 45-50 people there representing about a 40/60 split on Corps/non-Corps folk which is great and just what CtF is about - providing another entry point to the Corps. Will post more about this as soon as poss over at the Catch the Fire blog. That was followed by a great time of fellowship over a lovely spread of food and drink, before re re-convened for the watchnight service which was again a real blessing.

Today was spent unwrapping Santa's generosity and providing the recycling staff of Fife Council with plenty of work. Then it was off to C-A's parents for Christmas lunch - a good time had by all. Now we're just getting packed ready to head off to Dan's mum's in the morning for the next week. Should get some time to post over the next week but wanted to just take this chance to wish you all every blessing for 2008 and thanks for your support over the last year. Again, a review of 2007 will follow!

Anyway, the new iPod shuffle has completed its sync so its ready to go so thats my cue to head off to bed. Blessings to you all.

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