Enter a verse or keywords (John 3:16, love, sword of the spirit)

19 April 2007

Council of War

Bit of a plug here for a very worthwhile website. Council of War is run by Chris, who with his wife Dawn, leads The Salvation Army in Glenrothes. Its purpose, according to the site itself, is
to provide resources, teaching, and encouragement for Salvationists
It is where you can get podcasts of sermons from Glenrothes Corps and occasional others; Bible teaching; discussion on matters of the moment; and so much more. My blog has a link to it at all times in the right hand column, together with a new feature Chris has just put on which scrolls through the latest headlines of posts on the site. Even if you are not in The Salvation Army, feel free to visit the site - it is not exclusive! But more than visit it, please comment on articles there and join the debates. I'm not just saying this because Chris is my Corps Officer or because I'm on commission (I promise - I'm not!), but because I can see the value of the site as a tool for sharing resources amongst Christians. So, if you're reading this now, take some time to go over to Council of War now (please!) - it will be worth it.

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