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03 January 2007

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

Thanks to Ashford Salvation Army for thoughts shared on their blog today on the book "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire" by Pastor Jim Cymbala. I've read stuff from this pastor before but not this book - will be looking out for it though (anyone near me got a copy I could borrow?). They share their insights and you can read them in full here. Particularly challenged by this one:

If we don't call upon the Lord, He has promised nothing - nothing at all. Its as simple as that. No matter what I preach or what we claim to believe in our heads, the future will depend upon our times of prayer.

This is a call to me at the start of a new year to spend sincere and quality times in prayer but to also call on God in every aspect of my life. Only this way can I fulfill the calling placed on my life.

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